Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dempsey Oscar Bloomfield June 18, 2003 to October 2, 2010

Mans BEST friend...No definitely Women's BEST friend!
We had to say good bye to our sweet puppy dog yesterday. What a good friend. Darin and I had Demps for 7 years and there is not one place that we have been that he didn't come with us. Some of the things we will remember most about him is riding the 4-wheeler with him in a tote on the front, Mr. Rags, his jowls shaking as he snored, surviving being hit by a truck, being so sweet with my kids, hogging the bed, protecting me when Darin and I wrestle & his kisses. He was treated just like one of us. To me he wasn't just a dog. He was one of my kids and I will never forget this sweet boy! He truly was one of my Best friends and I hope everyone who has a puppy today gives them a special little love because they are only here a short little time. Till we meet again Demps! Love ya and miss ya.